Ube Graham Cake

Get ready to indulge in a slice of heaven with Ube Graham Cake made using Elufa Instant Ube Halaya Mix. This cake is the perfect marriage of the vibrant and velvety ube halaya, the crispy and addictive graham crackers, all topped with a luscious cloud of whipped cream

Time: 30 mins


  • Ube Jam / Ube Halaya (Elufa Halaya Powder)

  • Nestle Cream

  • Evaporated Milk

  • Condensed Milk

  • Graham Cracker

  • Graham Powder


  1. Use elufa ube halaya by mixing 250g of ube halaya powder with 1 small can of condense milk and 2 cups water cook over low flame with constant stirring until thicken.

  2. Take 1 cup of ube halaya and mix it to the Nestle Cream, Evaporated Milk and Condensed Milk in a bowl.

  3. Layer the Graham Cracker with ube halaya mixture (from procedure number 2) and add the graham powder repeat until two layers done.

  4. Top with graham powder and ube halaya.


Ube Ice Cream


Ube Cheese Pandesal